Terms and Services

When you work with me, I agree to maintain the highest of integrity and ethics and remain non-judgmental, open to understanding and able to fully support the direction that you wish to go. I will hold space for you with love and compassion. I am an astrologer, psychic, and intuitive and will use the connection to guides, the birth chart, and intuition to support you. I am not a therapist, counselor, medical doctor or financial advisor. My services are not a substitute for therapy, if needed.

It is my expectation that you will show up fully present when you work with me. You take ownership of your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. You accept the fact that my services are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. You understand that results are not guaranteed and that they are based on the individual and the amount of work put in. You understand that my services are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment. If you are currently in therapy or under the care of a mental health professional, you will consult with the mental health care provider regarding the advisability and/or decision of working with me.

Things disclosed during my services will be kept in strict confidentiality and will not be shared with other clients, or professionals unless first discussed with you. Some information may be shared once agreed upon by both parties. At times I may use success and progress examples with other clients or in my business, but will not disclose your name as a reference without your consent or any information that will lead others directly back to you.

Payment is due prior to services rendered. Payments include payment processing fees. Fees will be paid via the agreed upon method prior to initial service, or in agreed upon installments.

Refunds are given on a case by case basis. I have the right to refuse a refund, and will in good faith do my best to ensure you are happy with your service.

All resources and products purchased on Membervault are not to be shared without Katie Turner LLC’s permission including workbooks, journal prompts, and tarot spreads.