Raise Your Vibes: Shift Your Alignment and Step into Your Destiny

Raise Your Vibes, Shift your Alignment and Step into Your Destiny through Structured Support, Coaching, Astrology, and Energy Work.

I see you, beautiful soul.

I see you in all of your struggles, all of your desires, and all of your strengths.

I see what you already know, that you are destined for greatness.

That there is calling within you.

That you are here for so much more.

That you are a healer, a shifter, a game changer.

I see all of your power and capabilities.

And I know how bad you want to manifest your dreams, make the impact you know you are here to make, and enjoy life the way it’s meant to be enjoyed.

I also know from first hand experience, that building that impact on your own is tough. In fact, it may just be impossible.

That doesn’t mean you aren’t in the seat of power. That doesn’t mean it’s not you creating this massive light that you are sharing with the world, but rather, when we work together, we shift together.

It is ALL you!

But you are also allowed to receive help during that process.

You are also allowed to create a more graceful step into the alignment you seek.

Raise Your Vibes is a totally different type of coaching program.

It’s a program built to help you facilitate in practical reality all you came here to do. It’s here to help you BUILD. TANGIBLE. CHANGE.

It is here to help you see and make these shifts, but also, to help build the energetic structure to support those shifts and the higher vibrations you are bringing in and putting out so that they last and expand.

It is a program that celebrates your power.

That seeks to empower you and propel you into so much more.

It is a program that seeks to honor you, never trying to change you, but rather, just supporting you into more of who you are, who you are meant to be.

Strengthening what is already so perfect about who you are.

And it is so full of love. Endless, unconditional love. Which, springs into joy, ease, laughter, fun, and light.

Imagine that, spiritual work feeling FUN!

I know you can feel how amazing this energy is! How it can be.

And it’s here to help you go from feeling like you’re just surviving or moving through life, to thriving and doing ALL that you want to do.

It is here to help you change your relationships with fear, worry, sadness, grief, happiness, inspiration, anger, and any other emotion you may feel, so that you can let go of depression, anxiety, stress, with love and ease and so you can use the good coming your way to create even more good.

It is here to reaffirm the mental clarity of what you came here to do. It is here to celebrate and put into golden light your inner compass and what you came here to do.

So that YOU can have, experience, and know all these energies as your reality. Your truth.

And it’s also here to give you the energy you need to not only see the vision and believe in the vision, but also to ACT on that vision. To not be afraid to fly. To not having anything block you from moving forward.

It’s a program that is here to help you celebrate and make that impact. Manifest your dreams. And raise your vibrations to an energy that just feels so amazing, for you and all those you love, so that you continue to build a better world, and rise the vibration of the entire planet.

It will help you create a change that lasts, that feels good, and flows just beautifully.

The Details and Structure

Because Raise Your Vibes celebrates your individual path and flow, there is no set schedule to the material you will learn, but we will work one month at a time to create space and make progress. This allows for grounded change, but also freedom and flexibility so that your path can unfold organically.

What you will learn and the practices you will try out are all designed to support you to your highest expression of self and through practical manifestation of your soul’s intentions and purpose.

There are seven main components.

  1. Rooting into Something Good
  2. Emotional Connection and Healing
  3. Shining Your Light
  4. Supporting Your Open Heart
  5. Using Your Voice Fearlessly
  6. Strengthening Intuitive Connection
  7. Seeing Past Human Limitations

As we go through these, you will start to see some major change, but also, there is no need to rush this journey either. We are laying the bricks down so beautifully so that it will be able to support you with such clear intention and structural integrity.

Each month includes 2 one-hour coaching sessions, worksheets and guided homework, email and messenger support between sessions, and behind the scenes energetic work and support flowing to you to help ground in the higher vibrations you are calling in, release the negative vibrations you are saying goodbye to, and provide any other healing, shifting, or opening needed moving forward.

The investment is $333 per month, with no long term commitment tying you down.

A sliding scale is available on a case by case basis, so do not be afraid to reach out if you feel your soul calling.

If this feels like you and you want to jump in or start a conversation with me, PLEASE reach out because I am SO excited to be able to help people like you do what you came here to do.

To schedule or start a conversation, click here.